November 5 — VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!

November 10 is Deacon Sunday. Come meet your deacons in Fellowship Hall following worship! Cake, veggies and fruit will be served.

The Older Kids Ministry is collecting new and slightly used coats to give to the Hatian children and people of Springfield.  You may donate coats until November 17 and the coats will be delivered the following week.  Bring coats to the church during office hours or this coming Sunday.  We ask you to support this worthy cause!


November 10, 2024 Deacon Sunday.


Those worshiping online are welcome to send your offering by mail directly to College Hill Church, 1547 Philadelphia Drive, Dayton, OH 45406 or On-Line contributions are available as follows: Website: Sign In/Up and follow the prompts. Be sure to designate your payment method, preferably a checking account. Questions, contact Mr. Ivy Young by leaving a message at (937)275-8084. Scripture reminds us that “every generous act of giving is itself a gift from God above.”  So we now offer ourselves with joy and hope.”

Help Us Keep in Touch

Just a friendly reminder – College Hill communicates regularly through One Call, Facebook, and our website ( hill community , and monthly through our electronic newsletter.  We also have Prayer Warriors, our electronic prayer chain. If you would like assistance navigating our Facebook page or our website, speak with Kathy Lakes. . If you’ve changed your email address and/or phone number, please report the information to the church office at 937-278-4203.  If you would like to share a prayer with the Prayer Warriors, speak with Pat Townsel or email her at  Help us keep in touch with you!


Visit our Facebook Page at College Hill Community Church – PCUSA

1547 Philadelphia Dr., Dayton, OH


Office Staffed by Volunteers: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10am to 2pm

Christian Education Classes & Misc.

College Hill Community Church PCUSA invites you to a join our Adult Sunday School on Zoom. Sunday 9:15 – 10:00.

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 812 9453 9963

Passcode: 759784

One tap mobile +13052241968,,81294539963#,,,,*759784# US

BIBLE STUDY – Wednesdays 6:30 pm

God’s not finished with us yet! Bible Study is held on Wednesdays, at 6:30pm. Join Zoom at:

Meeting ID: 833 5171 1401

Passcode: 974153

One tap mobile+13126266799,,83351711401#,,,,*974153# US (Chicago)+13092053325,,83351711401#,,,,*974153# US


College Hill Community Church YouTube Channel is now available. Visit to view all worship services.