Tell You Story: a Black History Month Seminar – Mark your calendars for the 22 February 2025 Youth Black History Month Seminar…”Tell Your Story”. Youth will learn how to research, identify, write-up and share the significant individuals, events and moments of the present as an indelible artifact for others to understand THEIR stories and motivations as they create tomorrow’s history TODAY! CHCC Fellowship Hall 10 am to 2pm
KISS TV Show with Bishop Clarence Norton (Dayton Access TV – DATV) will air “Almost Lost to History: The Legacy of Joseph Carter Corbin … an interview with Dr. Gladys Turner Finney. (February 10th at 2:00 P.M. and February 13th at 10:00 P.M.) The show can also be seen at KISS TV Show at
The Advocate for Basic Legal Equality “Preparing your family for immigration enforcement” post
“What to do if ICE comes to your door”!s218c40c366944bc09bd6531cfe206925?cid=9A030F0F89CA9991&resId=9A030F0F89CA9991!s218c40c366944bc09bd6531cfe206925&ithint=photo&e=FjckvW&migratedtospo=true&redeem=aHR0cHM6Ly8xZHJ2Lm1zL2kvYy85YTAzMGYwZjg5Y2E5OTkxL0VjTkFqQ0dVWnNCTG05WlRIUDRnYVNVQlBweDNLa29HUUpsc0RLN0ljNGFueUE_ZT1GamNrdlc