Children and Youth Sunday School are offered on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month. Families are welcome to attend worship service and sit together, socially distanced from others.

Children & Youth

Children and youth are an important part of our church family. We see them as precious gifts that have been entrusted to our care, but we also recognize that they can be teachers, ministers, and leaders – regardless of their age.

As we move forward, we will be seeking to improve and expand the ways we reach out to and connect with them, serve their particular needs, and equip them as Christian disciples and ministers both within our church family and in the community as a whole. Here are some the current activities and ministry opportunities we offer children and youth. 

During the 10:30 am worship service we provide optional nursery care for infants to preschoolers, ages newborn to 4 years old. If you prefer to keep your child/children in worship with you, we offer “busy bags” to help keep younger kids occupied if they become restless. Just ask an usher for one as you come in.

At a designated time during worship service, school-aged children and youth are excused to head upstairs for their own Sunday School classes. They may stay for the rest of worship with the adults if that seems like a better fit.  Classes are available for ages 4 and up. These Sunday School classes are designed to be both participatory and age-group appropriate.  

Vacation Bible School

Each June, under the leadership of our Christian Education Ministry, the congregation come together to present our annual Vacation Bible School. Not only is it a valuable discipleship-building program for the young people in our congregation, it’s also our largest and most significant form of outreach to the children and youth of our neighborhood. 

Teen Fellowship

Contact Youth Director Marcus Johnson with any questions.