The Dayton Chapter of the National Black Presbyterian Caucus (NBPC) assists the Presbyterian Church (USA) in its efforts to intentionally focus on the needs and concerns of African-Americans within the denomination of our society. This task is accomplished by sponsoring discussion groups, study groups, and other related activities that help to highlight the gifts and talents of African-American members of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The NBPC works to ensure the representation of African-Americans at the General Assembly, Synod, and Presbyterian levels of our church.
Members of this ministering unit are very active at the Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly levels of the church as well as the national, regional, synod, and state levels of the NBPC. This ministry co-sponsors an annual food drive to aid Wesley Community Center and plan and present the worship service for Kwanzaa.
The BPC meets the fourth Saturday of each month alternating between College Hill and Trinity Presbyterian Churches